Don Thompson 19th September 2024

Leon … what can i say ! In my years as an undergraduate student at the University of Westminster i was blessed to have him as my lead tutor. His soft tissue approaches resonated greatly with me … and now … teaching manual and movement therapies myself … how Leon taugh … his commitment to good hands on skills and underpinned by a sound evidence base are deeply rooted in me. I have so many wonderful memories of class labs … we used to laugh at a very neatly trimmed Leon at the start of the semester … and the wild and bushy Leon by the end !! Those eyebrows! I hope that he would be proud of my accomplishments since those days 25 years ago. He spoke so fondly of Alkmini and Sasha and living in Corfu … how much he looked forward to going home after long periods in London and teaching away. I will forever by thankful for what he instilled in me … clinical excellence and an enquiring mind. I will be forever thankful for knowing him … such a wonderful man And i will forever be saddened that he is gone