Dedicated to the memory of Leon and Alkmini Chaitow

This site is a tribute and memorial fundraiser in memory of Leon Keith Chaitow (07/12/1937-20/09/2018) and his beloved wife Alkmini Metallinou Chaitow (14/05/1942-04/11/2023).

Please explore the site, read their stories, add your memories of Leon and Alkmini, any photos, or perhaps light a candle or leave a thought.

Scroll down to see each section and add your contribution, read about the memorial fund, and see a picture gallery of Leon and Alkmini in happier times. Your contribution will help preserve their stories and provide comfort to all those who knew them, particularly their daughter Sasha.

Please also consider contributing to or supporting the memorial fund and sharing the link  to this page. Every donation goes sirectly to the charity closest to Leon’s heart and supports free osteopathic treatment for those in need, research, and education.


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Help grow Leon & Alkmini’s Tribute by adding messages and memories. Please consider donating to their Memorial fund for the British College of Osteopathic Medicine


While my bookshelves are (still) heavy with the volumes of Leon’s work, my heart is heavy from the loss of his unending support and advice. He guided my career for so many years, and I miss my friend and mentor every day. Thank you, Leon. I can’t wait to chat with you again…
John Balletto, LMT
19th September 2024
Leon … what can i say ! In my years as an undergraduate student at the University of Westminster i was blessed to have him as my lead tutor. His soft tissue approaches resonated greatly with me … and now … teaching manual and movement therapies myself … how Leon taugh … his commitment to good hands on skills and underpinned by a sound evidence base are deeply rooted in me. I have so many wonderful memories of class labs … we used to laugh at a very neatly trimmed Leon at the start of the semester … and the wild and bushy Leon by the end !! Those eyebrows! I hope that he would be proud of my accomplishments since those days 25 years ago. He spoke so fondly of Alkmini and Sasha and living in Corfu … how much he looked forward to going home after long periods in London and teaching away. I will forever by thankful for what he instilled in me … clinical excellence and an enquiring mind. I will be forever thankful for knowing him … such a wonderful man And i will forever be saddened that he is gone
Don Thompson
19th September 2024
While many memories abound about Leon, a favourite of mine was on a car journey to the airport after a long weekend of teaching with Leon. I asked ‘what did you enjoy most about the weekend‘? His response,,,,,,’Going Home,,,,,,to my wife’s sun dried figs, a swim in the pool with Dumbo observing, and seeing Sasha’s finished painting’. Work was work but family was his everything.
Bobby Fitzsimmons
11th September 2024
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